About The Owner
Meet Dana Peterson, the owner of Red Oak Travels. Dana is a 52 year old mom of 6 children, 4 grown. 1 is in the navy in Japan, currently. Her oldest son recently got married this past summer. Her oldest daughter got married this past summer too. Her and her husband have been married for 14 years . Dana has been a PF Changs restaurant manager, a furniture salesperson, in real estate off and on, and was also an elementary music teacher after finishing her degree and masters degree later in life. They moved to be closer to her mother in law, who is advancing in years. Her husband is a chaplain at a hospital, and Dana worked there as an activities assistant.
History Of The Business

Dana started her business out of necessity. I found the business opportunity on Indeed and watched the presentation. She seen the potential in the job right away, and knew she would be excellent at it. It suits her personality to a T, and is flexible and changes enough to keep her interested, challenged, and has the potential to be a financial backbone in her household once she gains more clients. Dana really didn’t think this was the avenue that she was going to go, but she knew that she needed to work from home, and found this and thought it was perfect for her and her lifestyle.

About The Business
Dana sells all things ticket and travel. She takes the stress out of planning a trip, and she gets deep discounts on prices for many travel options. She loves to plan honeymoon travel. She wants to focus on that more in the future if this avenue takes off for her. She also really enjoys to sell vacation weeks in Mexico for next to nothing. The only downside to these, is that they are nonrefundable. But the discounts are so amazing that it is an easy sell and a quick turnaround for commission.

Future Plans For Red Oak Travels
Dana is hoping to become a leader in the company, while being totally honest in the way that she gets there.She wants to be able to financially stabilize her household income and get her family out of debt altogether.

Other Information
Dana's favorite thing about owning her business is making people happy with the travel itineraries that she creates for them. This is a very validating thing for her. Dana thinks that it is a very positive business to be in, because almost everyone likes to travel or go on vacation. When she can get someone a discounted price to do so, that’s the icing on the cake!
Contact Information
Website: https://poplme.co/redoaktravels